Guys, I miss parties and seeing my friends in person. So, I find myself making little care packages to drop off, and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon. And, this simple Spring Gift Idea is perfect for friends, neighbors, and even new home owners!

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Neighbor Gifts
My neighbors are pretty awesome, so I tend to drop off treats and goodies fairly often. Nearly all of them have lived in our neighborhood longer than we have, and we have been here for sixteen years! We all know we can count on each other to help out whenever we may need them too.
Some of my favorite neighbor gifts were the Simple Gift Idea with Xyron and the Easy May Day Baskets we dropped off. This Three Easy Ways to Spread Joy with the Cricut Joy post has some pretty great neighbor gift ideas too!
Spring Gift Idea

When I think of Spring, I think of fresh lemonade and time on the porch. So, I ordered some inexpensive drink dispensers, flour sack towels, cups, and honey sticks from Amazon (affiliate links). Then, I ordered a metric ton of lemons from the store for curbside pick up.

Once I had everything, I filled the drink dispensers with honey sticks, cups, the rolled kitchen towel, and fresh lemons. Finally, I tied a cute plaid ribbon and bow on the top, and dropped them off at the neighbors. I also included a hand written recipe card for our family favorite Easy Homemade Lemonade Recipe.
I am just waiting for a sunny day to go drop them all off at the neighbors’ houses!

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Tags : Housewarming, Lemonade, Neighbor Gift, Spring