We are about more than six weeks into our safer at home time, and to say that we are all ready to get a break from each other is an understatement. However, we are all doing our part to try to keep everyone safe and healthy. So, I have ordered several fun new activities for us to do at home. Some of our favorite new activities at home at the Fun Backyard Games I ordered from Oriental Trading Company.

This review is based strictly on my opinion. Others may have a different opinion or experience with the product listed above. I was provided the sample free of charge by the company or PR agency and I provided my honest opinion. No other type of compensation was received for this review.
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Lawn Games
We live in Central Florida, and the weather has been so beautiful lately. So, I wanted to order something that would get us all outside to enjoy the sunshine and soak up some Vitamin D.
Several years ago we hosted a fun Backyard BBQ and I made an awesome frisbee Tic Tac Toe game. We all loved playing that game until eventually we lost all of the frisbees.
Outdoor Games

Oriental Trading Company has so many great activities to help keep everyone busy right now. I decided to order some classic games that kids and adults would enjoy.
OTC has loads of outdoor games for kids. But, they also have plenty of outdoor games for adults.
Backyard Games
One of my favorite games ever is Bocce Ball, so I was super excited to find an affordable bocce ball set. It’s not exactly like what I grew up playing, but it is still a lot of fun to play.

When the boys were younger, they loved playing pick up sticks and connect four, so when I saw the giant pick up stick sets available from OTC, I knew I had to order them.

Since I ordered all three of these games, I have found the boys outside playing together more, and fighting just a little less. And, I am a very happy mom!

If you liked this outdoor game idea post, be sure to check out these posts too!
Tags : Games, Oriental Trading Company, Outdoor, Outdoor Party, Party Games