When I started this blog, I wanted to share simple ways to celebrate every day. I grew up celebrating first (and last) days of school, good grades on hard spelling tests, long weeks, happy Wednesdays, and so many more days that could just be regular days. And, each year on the first day, I have a special snack table set up for the boys after school. This year will be different, but we will still do something. However, my niece and nephew will be learning face to face, and I wanted to make a special simple back to school treat to celebrate!

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First Day of School Treats
We have had a Back to School Sweets Table and a Back to School Snack Table for the boys after school. We even had a fun Back to School Breakfast Bar!
I’m not sure how we will celebrate the first day this year, but I can promise you we will do something fun!
1st Day of School Gift

My little niece is a tiny bit upset that she has to go do in person learning…and I can totally understand that.

So, to make it a little more fun for her and my nephew, I ordered a couple of books for them to read, totally awesome smelly colored pencils (who knew Crayola even made those! You can order them on Amazon here.) Then, I tied the book and colored pencils together with a little Baker’s Twine and added a tag and lollipop! That’s it. It was super simple to assemble and I know the kids will love their new books and colored pencils!

If you liked this post, be sure to check out some of these fun posts too!
Tags : back to school