Free Mo-vember Printables
Living in a house full of young men, I feel like I need to be very diligent about men’s health issues. However, because even old men still have little boy tendencies, everything becomes very funny, very fast…I have to watch what I say or it will turn into a giggle-fest immediately and end like a pack of hyenas. Fortunately, or not, my boys all love NHL, and our local team is very involved in the Mo-vember movement. Briefly, Mo-vember runs the whole month of November and men are encouraged not to shave in an effort to bring more awareness to men’s health. To help with our talk, and as a small treat to the men in our life, I made some fun free Mo-vember printables.
I tied the tag to a bag of DRAFT BEER flavored Jelly Belly Jelly Beans…who even knew those were an available option?? These bags will be given to our favorite male teachers.
The kids will be getting their milk in these fun glasses with a mustache straw from 7-11. I added some manly candy to the mugs for the kids too. (It’s harder to laugh when you have a piece of candy in your mouth)
Whether you are celebrating Mo-vember, sharing a Mo-vember treat with your best guy, or just want a fun free Mo-vember printable, please remember that these are for personal use only. Please do not edit, alter, or resell these printables.
Download your free Mustache you to have a fur-bulous Mo-Vember printable here!
Tags : Everyday Party Magazine, Free Printable, Free Printables, Freebies, Mo-vember, Movember