Father’s Day Gift Ideas
Father’s Day Gift Ideas by Natalie Bradley Events. I love to create handmade gifts for our families. Especially when I can involve the kids. Father’s Day is a perfect holiday to have the kids create a loving and handmade gift! I adore the printable and coffee mug Natalie’s daughter made for her Dad. And the Card, Natalie made, adore!
From Natalie Bradley Events:
I decided to create the cutest Father’s Day card I’ve ever made for my husband from our daughter Reese and me. Even though my husband doesn’t wear bow ties, I knew he’d appreciate this card made with a retro style paper that looks like those 1950s buttoned down shirts we’ve seen in countless family photos.
Then I found this precious printable for Father’s Day for her to complete – he’ll especially love that she thinks he’s only 30 years old!
And the last fun thing is that she made him a coffee mug with his favorite superhero’s emblem… I personally love handmade or thoughtful gifts from kids, and so does he, so this will be a huge hit!
I hope Father’s Day is so much fun for your family this year and you get lots of wonderful ideas for it today!
*Mugs can be made using Sharpie Paint pens too*
Tags : Card Maker, Father's Day, Gift Ideas, Natalie Bradley Events, Super Hero