Buggy Valentines Treats
Buggy Valentines Treats. Valentine’s Day is just a few weeks away, and I cannot even believe I am in my final year of elementary school Valentine’s Day treats! I really love making fun Valentines to fit the personality of the person giving them…I am going to miss it next year. Thankfully, my little niece is just starting her elementary school years, and my mom and sister both teach, so I can help them out with their class treats.
This review is based strictly on my opinion. Others may have a different opinion or experience with the product listed above. I was provided the sample free of charge by the company or PR agency and I provided my honest opinion. No other type of compensation was received for this review.
With food based allergies being such a concern, I want to make sure each child an have a treat that is safe and fun! My mom is a nature lover…she kayaks with her expensive camera in gator filled swamp water for fun. (Yeah, I have no idea) So, it was a no brainer to find nature based Valentine’s Day treats for her to give to her class. A quick look at Oriental Trading’s website was all I needed to find the perfect treat!
I ordered a bag of little plastic bugs, small bug viewing jars with a magnifying lid, and bug tattoos on Valentine’s Day cards! It could not have been more perfect for my mom if I tried!
Once everything arrived (just a few days after I ordered it), I quickly assembled the treats. I added two plastic bugs to each bug jar. Then, I used a standard hole punch to add a hole to lace jute twine through each Valentine card. Finally, I tied a card to each jar! Now my mom has darling buggy valentines treats that are safe for her whole class that can be used well into the Spring!
Tags : Bug, Class treats, Oriental Trading, Oriental Trading Co., Oriental Trading Company, Spring, Tattoo, Valentine, Valentine's Day