Back to School Chalkboard Printables Kindergarten through 6th Grade
By: La Belle Party Planning
Stefani designed these chalkboard style, free back to school printables for Everyday Party Magazine’s readers!
As my boys have gotten older it becomes a little more challenging to know who was in what grade in each photo. With Back to School Printables becoming more popular, it will be much easier for me to identify pictures of my kids as they (and I) age. We have taken a photo of our kids every year on the first day of school in front of our front door. It is so fun to look back on past photos of them. The first year we started, my oldest was in kindergarten and I was just two weeks away from delivering our third son. Last year, our fourth son started Kindergarten and our oldest started 7th grade. For many years my boys went to a small private school that required uniforms, last year they moved to public school that also requires uniforms. While it has been fun to look back at the guys wearing the same uniforms over the years in front of our front door, I know that in the future it will be very difficult to know who was in what grade! These printables are a great solution to this problem.
Click on the link below for a PDF printable file.
Tags : back to school, Freebies, la belle party planning, printables