Tek Recon
Have you seen the new Tek Recon guns? They are similar to a Nerf gun, but Tek Recon shoots NRG rounds instead of darts. However the biggest, and coolest difference, to my family, is the ability to use the Tek Recon App with the guns! The NRG rounds are little more powerful than a dart, but not as hard as a bb gun. We were sent three guns and two bonus packs of NRG rounds, to try out, and we are BIG fans. My only complaint it the cost. I wish they were about $5-$10 cheaper per gun. That said, they are just a few dollars more than a Nerf, and still less than a good quality bb gun. I believe this would be a great holiday gift for the kids that are just a little too big for a traditional Nerf, and just a little too young for a bb gun.
Here’s Tek Recon’s commercial with more images too!
This review is based strictly on my opinion. Others may have a different opinion or experience with the product listed above. I was provided the sample free of charge by the company or PR agency and I proved my honest opinion. No other type of compensation was received for this review.
Tags : Everyday Party Magazine, Tek Recon