Reindeer Nose Free Bag Topper
Stefani made these adorable Reindeer Nose bag toppers for her sons to take treats to their classmates this holiday. I simply adore the Reindeer Nose treats for little ones! This little treat cost just a few dollars to make and can easily be done with your little ones help.
* ziploc style baggies
* Whoppers or other round brown candy or treat
* Red candy
Put 8 brown candies and 1 red one in each bag, and fold the free printable over the bag. Staples or double side tape will hold the topper. Enjoy!
We celebrate St. Nick’s birthday every year on December 6th. The boys leave their shoes by the fireplace, and the elves come in the night and fill their shoes with small treats. In years past I have included reindeer noses and the kids LOVED them!
Freebie Christmas Treat Bag Toppers
You can find more of Stefani’s work here
Tags : Chic Classroom Style, Christmas, Free Printables, Freebies, Reindeer Noses