Simple Felt Garden Flag DIY
Simple Felt Garden Flag DIY. In my mind, part of hosting an event is making sure your home {or the venue} is decorated to match the event. Sometimes that is easier said than done, I know…but with this sweet little accent piece, you can greet your guests with very little effort!
I love to decorate my front walk up to match the current season. We made a beautiful farm style wooden bench last year, and I add seasonal pillows and throw blankets to it, with decor around it. So, as we transitioned our of Christmas into winter, I moved some of the Christmas decor back into the garage, but left out the winter decor…now, as January is ending, I am slowing packing up some of the winter decor and adding Valentine’s Day pillows and decor to the walk up. One thing I was missing though, was a good garden flag. But, y’all some of those can be expensive!
Being the quick crafter that I am, I knew I could make one, especially with my Cricut Maker! I was able to make this entire project in just about 10 minutes…but I will admit that I hot glued it together rather than sew, because despite owning a brand new sewing machine, I still haven’t taken the time to set it up…I digress…
To make this project, you will need:
burlap {Really, you could use whatever fabric you like}
hot glue gun and Glue or sewing machine
I opened Design Space and created a simple rectangle, then I duplicated it, so my flag could be reversible. You totally don’t have to do that!
Next, I search for a Valentine’s Day design that I liked and would work on the burlap. I loved the LOVE letters, but I didn’t want all the extra layers, so I hid them in the Layers Panel. Then I sent the project to the mat to be cut. The rotary blade made quick work of the project, and I was hot glueing in no time! If you like this design, you can save even more time and use my cut file.
I glued a seam around the burlap, and added ribbon hangers. Then, I flipped the burlap right side out, and began glueing the letters together. {Sewing this would work too} I kept the heart cut outs from the top {pink} layer to decorate the flag with. Once the letters were glued together, I hot glued them to the burlap. Finally, I added the hearts to fill in blank spaces.
Now, when I am ready to add Spring decor out front, I can quickly cut some more felt or even vinyl and decorate the back side of the flag. Obviously this wouldn’t work if both sides of the flag are visible, but that’s not the case for ours. I so love this Simple Felt Garden Flag DIY and I cannot wait to make more!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut. The opinions and text are all mine.
Tags : Burlap, Craft Lighting, Craft Lightning, Cricut Maker, Decor, DIY, Felt, Garden Flag, Seasonal, Valentine's Day
what a great idea for a project
Thank you!
Garden flag crafts have my name written all over them! Thanks for joining!
Thanks! This was fun.
This is so cute! I love it!