Saturday Week 24 – Summer Fun
Y’all, Summer is just 7 school days away. We have a ton of ceremonies, awards banquets, and moving up presentations in that time. But, I am SO very ready for the reprieve that summer will bring. We are all dreaming of nights spent in the pool or watching movies. Can you smell Summer in the air? I can feel the Summer Fun, and I cannot wait!
SVG Saturday:
What is SVG Saturday? New SVG’s added to the shop on Saturday are on sale for just $1 for one week only. Next week, those SVG files will go up to the regular price of $1.99.
Summer Lovin’ SVG
Fun Fact, I can’t say Summer Lovin’, I have to sing it. Now you have an ear worm, and I am only kind of sorry.
Buy this adorable SVG here.
Endless Summer SVG
Before the summer begins, I am blissful and I dream of Endless Summers. Y’all know by August 1st I am ready for that endless summer to end, but let’s have our moment for Endless Summer dreams.
Buy this SVG file here.
Make Fun Summer Shirts, Bags, or Wooden Signs:
To make any of these Summer projects, you will need a few minutes to work and a couple of supplies! If you need more detailed instructions, check out this post.
Supplies For Summer Fun Projects:
Blank Bags, Shirts, Wood Signs
If you liked this post, be sure to check out some of these as well!
Tags : Everyday Party Magazine Shop, Summer, SVG Saturday