Shark Week is one of my favorite weeks during Summer! I have watched it every year since I was a kid, and my own kids have watched it every year for as long as they can remember. And, for the last several years, we have hosted fun Shark Week parties and I have created at least one Shark Week Shark SVG File.

If you decide to make a purchase through my links, I will be paid a small commission for it. This doesn’t cost you anything additional.
Shark Themed Cut Files
I love to create fun cut files to share with you all. And, I really love making summer and winter themed svg files. My favorite summer cut files, though, are the shark themed SVG files.
My all time favorite has to be the Shark Week Towel DIY I shared last year! I love the knock out text.
Make a Shirt with this Shark Week Shark SVG File

We recently adopted a little Jack Russell Terrier, and we jokingly call her a shark. She will jump up and grab ANYTHING she thinks is food from your hand. She is old, and doesn’t see well, and she nearly took off my finger nail not long ago going after tape that she thought was a delicious treat. So, she quickly got the nickname shark. I am going to use this SVG file to make her a little doggie shirt.
You probably already have everything you need to create a fun Shark themed shirt, bag, onesie, or doggie shirt at home, but if you don’t a quick Amazon shopping trip will take care of that. (Amazon Affiliate Links Below)
- Shark SVG, use the code SHARKTEXT to download it F*R*E*E
- Cricut
- Iron On
- EasyPress 2
- Shirt, Bag, Onesie, Dog Sweater

If you need step by step instructions for adding Iron On to Fabric, check out this May The Fourth Be With You Shirt post.

If you enjoyed this Shark Week Post, be sure to check out these FINtastic posts too!
Shark Week Printable Activity Sheet
Tags : Shark, Shark Party, Shark Week, SVG Freebie