My nephew’s birthday is this weekend. And, each year we go see the newest PIXAR movie at the theater. However, this year it’s a little different. We checked out the movies at the local drive in theaters, and none of them are playing anything he wants to see. So, we are having an Outdoor Movie Night Party for him in the back yard.

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Outdoor Movie Theater
We don’t have a permanent outdoor theater, but we do have a portable projector, and a diy screen. I bought the indoor and outdoor projector on (affiliate link) Amazon for less than $80. And, we use a heavy sheet or canvas backed tarp as the movie screen.

Our back yard party space is the perfect outdoor theater space. We set up a concession area on one side, and the screen on the other. And, if it’s not dark enough for the movie, I add sheets or curtains to the sides of our covered space. Then, I bring out the projector and outdoor air conditioner and we have an amazing outdoor theater! (Check out this DIY Checkers Game post for more info on the outdoor AC)
Movie Night Party
Since we are still trying to be socially responsible and our part to keep everyone healthy, we are hosting the movie party outside with family seating set up 6 feet or more apart.

I ordered some fun decorations and paper products online for the party, and I just love the way they added to the space!

Before the party, I will set up a small concession area with a hot dog warmer, a popcorn machine, movie theater candy boxes, and bottled cokes for everyone to enjoy.

We are really excited to (safely) celebrate my nephew’s birthday together this week!
And, we love watching movies outside.

If you liked this Outdoor Movie Night Party, be sure to check out these posts for more inspiration!
Tags : birthday party, Movie Night