I am on the struggle bus. I cannot believe that Christmas is just a little more than a week away. And, y’all, I am not even close to ready for it. So, I spent some time shopping on Amazon, and I found 10 Awesome Stocking Stuffers for Teens and Tweens. These are great for boys or girls, and are all available on Amazon Prime, so there is plenty of time to order them and receive them before Christmas Eve.

If you decide to make a purchase through my links, I will be paid a small commission for it. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. All links are Amazon.com Links.
Hydro Flask

We have no less than a half a dozen Yeti tumblers, and at least forty Tervis Tumblers, but my kids are still asking for a Hydro Flask.
Buy one on Amazon here.
Reusable Straws

Most of our county has banned single use plastic straws. But, my kids (and I) like to drink out of straws. These are a great alternative. We keep a set in the car, in my purse, and some at home too.
Buy reusable straws here.
Twinkle Lights

One of my sons has two or three strands of fairy lights strung on the bottom of the top bunk. He has them hung to look like stars in the sky. I actually really love the way it looks, and they are battery operated, so I feel like they are safer.
Buy Twinkle Lights on Amazon here.
Amazon Echo Dot

I love having the Echo Dots in each room of the house, I can drop in and call for the kids without having to yell across the house. Plus, with Amazon Prime, the boys can listen to music free.
Buy an Echo Dot here.
Photo Clip String Lights

These are on their way to me now. I ordered a set for each of my younger two boys. They are each artists, and they both have (Amazon Link) Instax Cameras. So, it will be perfect for their art, and pics of their friends.
Buy Photo Clip String Lights here.
Scratch Art Note Pads

Remember scratch art pages? Now they are available as note pads, and I LOVE them!!
Buy the Scratch Art Note Pads here.
Rubik’s Cube

I think we have about a dozen different types of Rubik’s Cubes in our house, but I always get a new one for their stockings or Easter Baskets. I love to give the boys something that will make them think.
Buy a Rubik’s Cube here.
Don’t Laugh Challenge Book

I also always put books in the kids’ stockings. When they were younger I would get board books, then early reader books, and now, I get them silly books.
Buy the Don’t Laugh Challenge Book here.
Monopoly Deal Card Game

I’m going to be 100% honest, I hate playing board games. Like, I really don’t like them. My kids and husband, however, love them. So, I try to include a quick moving card game for the kids’ stockings.
Buy Monopoly Deal Card Game here.
Kanoodle Brain Game

We have a few of these at the house and in the car. It’s a great game for the boys to play alone. They like to take it to doctor’s appointments and restaurants with us. (I don’t let them have electronic devices at either place)
Buy Kanoodle Brain Game here.

If you liked these 10 Awesome Stocking Stuffers, be sure to check out these too!
Tags : Amazon, Gift Guide, Stocking Stuffer, Stockings